JAKE by Marion McCann
In every life grief comes, but all of us are surprised when it slams us. We can’t talk much about it when we are in the deep mire of it.
At some point – it’s different for every grieving soul – we become able to yank our grief out of ourselves long enough to analyze it before it slips back into the fiber we’re made of. We don’t ever lose it, but it wears down enough that we are in charge of it. We grow comfortable with it, actually, because it’s ours in its unique way.
Once we reach that point of acceptance in our grief, we can help others who are wading through the muddy pathways of life, where there are few perceptible landmarks. Marion McCann has reached that place. Because she has known such sorrow and loss, she has waited years to write this book.
Those of us – the ones who know her as a friend, admire her as a woman, and appreciate the writing talent she has demonstrated as an entertaining columnist in the Ruston Daily Leader -- realized the Lord would lead her to share some of her story eventually . . . that she’d offer comfort to other hurting souls.
Marion tells of premonitions she had before tragedy struck her family, but she had no idea how challenging life would be. How much more of God’s love we know once we’ve lived through the times we would have found impossible if we’d known about them before they happened!
Her ebook JAKE not only delivers the emotional impact of what her family has gone through; it has valuable information about traumatic brain injury. Her family has fought this battle twice. As an RN, I love the way she has explained what happened in laymen’s terms. It is educational for all of us. Over the years she has acquired an impressive amount of knowledge and understanding about TBI. She opens her heart here and shares her interactions with her family. Most of all it is a testimony of the way God has moved in her life.
I highly recommend this book to those who have suffered TBI, those whose loved ones have gone through injuries, nursing students, counselors, and people walking through grief. If you don’t fall into any of those categories, I recommend you read it because Marion has a fun style of writing.
Jake by Marion McCann