Thursday, December 15, 2011

Im Choking . . . But Life Moves on Along the Path of Grief

I wrote a little Kindle book about grief. I hope it can bring comfort to those who read it. Here are some words from the product description:

No matter how much you may want to turn back time -- or perhaps you just want all the sadness to go away long enough for you to recover a few minutes or for a night of dream-free sleep -- life moves on. Time rushes on. Life moves on along relentlessly along the path of grief.

The process of grieving is like walking through a murky swamp. In this e-book I want to talk with you about the way it feels. There's no way I can know exactly what you are going through, not even if we could sit and talk and you could tell me. I will tell you though that I have experienced grief and known many other dear ones who have.

Certain aspects of grieving are the same for almost everybody. Even though each grief journey is unique, every person grieving shares some of the same feelings. Please understand that you are not alone. It's okay to cry.