How have you changed? How has our nation changed? How has the environment changed? But Who never changes?
He is our Prophet, Priest, and King. As our Prophet, He came and spoke to us about His Father, the Holy Spirit, Himself, heaven, all our relationships, and the future. Now He sits on the right hand of His Father and fills the roll of the Great High Priest. One day He will come to earth as the King and will reign forever. His circumstances and His occupation have changed, but the essence of who He is, was, and shall be never changes.
He is the always the same. What never changes about Him? First, let’s consider the term Jesus Christ. Jesus is His name. Derived from the Hebrew name “Joshua” (Y’shua or Je-Hoshua), it means “Jehovah is salvation.” Christ, His title, means “the Anointed One, the Messiah.” True theology never changes. We may learn more from studying, but the truth of Jesus Christ is always the same.
What is the unchanging Jesus Christ like? He is God. To discuss all His characteristics would take years! Jesus is powerful: as a man, strong enough to walk miles every day and drive the money changers from the temple; as God, powerful enough to calm the sea with a word, wither a fig tree with a word, create the entire universe – omnipotent!
Jesus is gentle. He has always had a wholesome, compassionate, and loving relationship with the children, the weak, the lame, the downtrodden, the retarded, the widows, the orphans, and the bereaved. With all His tenderness and sweetness, He is, however, no pushover. His meekness is the essence of His almighty power submitted to the will of His Father so that He could become the sacrificial Lamb to pay for our sins.
Jesus is the God of grace and forgiveness; yet He is intolerant of sin. For some, this statement represents a contradiction; but for Jesus and the believer, there is no problem here. If there is any doubt about these two sides of Jesus Christ’s personality, study the book of James. He receives us through His grace and saves us unto good works. (Ephesians 2:10)
Jesus is the God of Glory. Only He, who has made Himself low and given His life for us, is worthy to open the Lamb’s Book of Life. (Revelation 5) The glorified Jesus is so dazzling that our human eyes are overwhelmed. Like His Father and the Holy Spirit, His glory shines likes a flame. In one word, He is perfection.
Jesus Christ is unique when He is compared to all other gods. Only Jesus has been crucified and resurrected. He is also unique in that becoming a follower is not the result of works. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (Romans 10:9) Quoted from Do You Know How God Loves You?: Successful Daily Living
If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (Romans 10:9)
The following is a delightful video. At the end there is a request for money, which I did not add.
The video is quoted from you tube. The authors of the video included the request at the end. The author of this blog did not add this request.