My business is encouraging you to buy my books, I must first let you know who I am. In the context of Do You Know How God Loves You?: Successful Daily Living
First, let me tell you that I am a sinner saved by grace. In my lifetime, even after I was saved by God's grace, I have not always lived a sinless life. Frequently, God has chastised me and brought me back into His will.
Second, let me tell you that I am not a scholar who has attended seminary. My careers have included teaching and nursing. I have diligently studied God's word, received instruction from Bible teachers and pastors, read extensively, and prayed for guidance.
Third, I have a compelling desire to share with you the knowledge that Jesus Christ made the supreme sacrifice for you – that He loves us enough to pay your sin debt and my sin debt. Please refer to January 1 in DDo You Know How God Loves You?: Successful Daily Living
Beyond that desire, I want to share with you a way to walk in the love and guidance of our Lord every day. My business is to place this book in your hands so you can experience my ministry of showing you ways to walk daily in the light of Christ's love. I am an ordinary person with an extraordinary desire to help you realize how much God loves you.
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